The plain text editor for macOS
Noto is compatible with macOS Sierra (10.12) or newer.
Latest release:

Noto 1.2 (828)
noto-1.2.dmg (8.0 MB)
Jan 13, 2018 20:50
The download consists of a signed DMG container. Read more.
Noto is a simple general-purpose text editor with a few focused features

Extensive Encoding Support
Noto supports a wide range of different encodings by making use of the powerful Cocoa API.
This means Noto can support files containing text and characters from many different scripts and encodings, from Japanese characters to mathematical symbols.

Smart Multi-Selection
Quickly change the indentation of multiple chunks of text with a single key-stroke. Insert tab characters or any number of space characters.

Invisible Characters
Highlights those pesky spaces, tabs, and newlines, so you know they're there even if you can not see them.

iCloud Drive
Noto is fully integrated into the latest features of macOS including iCloud Drive and Time Machine versioning, so you can rest asured your files are always there when you need them.
Open Source
Noto is Free Software distributed under the GPLv3 license.
Noto is entirely written in Swift, with the addition of some third-party libraries written in Swift/Objective-C. Because Noto is free software, you can clone, change, and contribute to the source code. Visit Noto’s repository on GitHub.
Customize your editor with some extra themes.
Would you like to have a theme you created available here? Please submit it through an issue in the website GitHub repository.